Support Us And Save Them

Struggling young Muslims need help. They need information, resources, and most of all people available to help them. You can make this happen by simply donating to this initiative!

Your generosity will directly impact the future of our youth and help create a brighter tomorrow for generations to come. It will also, inshaAllah prevent some of the negative headlines about Muslim youth from appearing on news websites, or on social media in the future. Also, every unsolved problem has a domino effect on families and our communities. By supporting our initiative, you are not only investing in the future of our youth, but also in the future well-being of our ummah.

If you are unable to support us yourself at this time, please make dua that this project is successful. Also, please take a moment to share this message/page with your friends and family so that they can participate if they’re in a better position to do so. Perhaps, your message will be the vehicle that enables young people to be mentored and has a massive, lasting impact.

Thank you for considering supporting Muslim Mentors and for being a beacon of hope for our youth. Your contribution will have a major impact on our youngsters and future generations, and make a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

May Allah shower you and your family with Blessings and accept your donation as a sadaqa jaariya.

Dr Osman Khan, Imam at Masjid Usman, Erdington, Birmingham, UK.

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